Manajemen Promosi Yayasan Izzatuna Putra Palembang Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Santri
Promotion Management, Izzatuna Foundation, Number Of SantriAbstract
This research is entitled: Promotion Management of Izzatuna Putra Palembang
Foundation in Increasing the Number of Santri. The purpose of this research is to: Know
and describe the management carried out by the Izzatuna Foundation in increasing the
number of students. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Data collection
techniques in this study are using interviews, observation and documentation. The
theory used in this study is the theory of Philip Kotler. The data analysis technique used
in this study is the technique of Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data
presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the promotional
activities carried out by the Izzatuna Foundation had been carried out well. The
implementation of these promotional activities carried out both directly and indirectly
through print media, word of mouth information, visits to residents' homes as a whole,
visits to schools as a whole and collaboration with the community, running Islamic
boarding schools programs and using social media. Evaluation of the implementation of
promotional activities for the Izzatuna Foundation every new school year is shown by
the achievement of student targets that have been set for each year but in reality the
student targets have not been achieved so far because students are more interested in
attending public schools, so the number of students or santri incoming each year has
decreased. Suggestions for the Izzatuna Foundation should always maintain
communication and cooperation and always create cohesiveness with various parties
both internally and externally, because with good cooperation it can contribute to the
development of pesantren promotion, so that pesantren promotion programs can be
communicated and carried out well and get results which is satisfying.