Group Guidance and Counseling with Self-management Techniques to Increase Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy, Group guidance, Self-management techniquesAbstract
The study aimed to obtain data on the effect before and after treatment. The study population was 33 students. The number of samples is 11 students. Pretest & Posttest Design. Observational data collection & questionnaires. The data analysis technique in the study is Categorical Descriptive Statistical Analysis & Statistical Analysis Pretest & Posttest One Group Design. The results before treatment in the low category were 3 students, the medium category was 6 students, and the high category was 2 students or the percentage level of 57% low self-efficacy. After treatment, there were 7 students in high category, 1 student in the very high category, 1 student in very low category, 1 student in low category, and 1 student in very low category or a percentage level of 70% high self-efficacy. In addition to testing the hypothesis with a count value of 8.2901, the t-table value of a significant level of 5% at (dk) 10 is 2.228. The result of calculating the value of the t-count is greater than the t-table value (8.2901>2.228), then Ha is accepted, and Ho is rejected.
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