- Strategi Kantor Urusan Agama Dalam Upaya Penanganan Serta Pencegahan Terjadinya Pernikahan Dini (Di Bawah Umur) Di Kecamatan Abab


  • Shintia Agustin Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Candra Darmawan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang


This research is motivated by the existence of a problem, namely the problem of frequent
divorce of underage marriages in recent years, in general the cause of divorce between young
couples is 37.9% because of finances, 27.6% because of continuous quarrels, 17.2% because
of interference. parents' hands, and 17.2% due to infidelity. Of course, this often becomes a
problem because it violates the purpose of marriage itself for the peace of both. Marriage in
the Koran is based on peace, love and affection between husband and wife. The aim of this
research is to find out: (1) the factors that cause early marriage in Abab District and (2) the
strategy of the Abab District KUA to overcome the impacts that occur due to underage
marriage. This type of research is qualitative research. This research method is qualitative.
The primary data source is five (05) religious instructors who work at the Abab District
KUA office. Secondary data sources in this research are relevant books, journals and
documents related to the problem being studied. Data collection uses observation, interviews
and documentation. Data analysis uses qualitative analysis. The research results show that
the factors that influence teenagers marrying early in Abab District are dropping out of
school/not going to school, family financial conditions, mass media broadcasts, and
unemployment. It was found that other influencing factors such as promiscuity, a free
environment, and being away from religious teachings were found in low percentages. The
Abab District KUA's strategy in preventing and overcoming the impacts of early marriage is
to conduct outreach through religious lectures at wedding receptions, Friday sermons, and
pre-marital guidance. The Adab District KUA mobilized religious extension officers to guide
bridal couples through pre-marital guidance, family guidance, education and teaching
activities as well as providing guidance to families marrying underage to avoid divorce.
Keywords: Underage marriage, KUA Strategy, Divorce




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